Just keep swimming...to Rottnest Island
Race nutrition depends on whether you’re a solo swimmer, duo or team swimmer. One thing consistent across all disciplines is the...

No more yoyo!
Far too many people will diet for a couple of weeks - to a month and then yoyo back again. For some of us, every time we lose weight and...

Feeding your brain
Your brain is composed of over 100 billion brain cells, otherwise known as ‘neurons.’ Each neuron can communicate with other neurons via...

Gut Instinct - tips for a gut friendly lifestyle
WHAT IS THE GUT MICROBIOTA? The gut microbiota is the name given to the 40 trillion strong microbe population living in our intestines....

Guilt-free Christmas Eating
Have you ever felt guilty over the holiday period for overindulging? Does one day of unhealthy eating derail your efforts to get back on...

Fuelling for F45 and CrossFit - Part 3
Part 3: Credible supplements Throughout Part 1 of ‘Fuelling for F45 and CrossFit’, the focus was on getting the big ticket items sorted...

Fuelling for F45 and CrossFit - Part 2
Let’s keep this uber specific to high intensity training (e.g. F45 & CrossFit). Firstly, we each contain the necessary energy (carbs, fat...

Fuelling for F45 and CrossFit - Part 1
Part 1: Big ticket nutrition Whether your aim is to reduce body fat, increase muscle mass, increase speed and/or endurance, or simply to...

What this dietitian eats in a day
Like with most professions, working as a dietitian has its pros and cons. Sure there’s upside, I help people for a living. Job...

Rant #1
Time and time again I see people who want to eat healthy food succumb to competing pressures. Whether it is price, convenience, time,...